Keep Pushing

October 14, 2013

Hello and Happy Monday!

Well after my visit with the Endocrinologist, I am encouraged. He told me to keep doing what I'm doing. I have more testing to do but he didn't want me to get discouraged. He was impressed by my numbers and that let him know I have been dedicated to losing weight and being healthy. My cholesterol is perfect and there is not indication that I'm at risk for diabetes.

Now, I did reach out to a national nutritional program to participate in a blogger program they are running.

Everyone wish me luck that they will decide to team up with me. This would be the perfect opportunity for me. It would make the eating portion of my journey easier and allow me to focus on fitness and other things.

So, cross your fingers that they team up with me. In the meantime, I will continue to eat right and run. I'm adding some additional days of exercise just to give myself a boost.

How are you doing with your weight loss and fitness goals?

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