First Official 5K Race

August 3, 2012

As you all know I run on a regular basis. However, I never entered a sponsored race until last Saturday. I finally ran my first officially publicly sponsored race. LOL Yeah, I know.

I had fun. I had an injury thanks to new shoes that were too big but I don't care. My knee has been bothering me since and I've tried to rest. You know me that whole resting thing isn't working out too well.

I ran with Black Girls Run. No, you don't have to be black to join. The will let a half of a sister join. LOL There are other mixed folks other than me and some Latinas. I'm sure there are some still trying to figure out what in the hell I really am. Oh well! LOL

Anywho, hope you enjoy the pics!

Yes, I had on eye shadow and lip gloss with a mini hat. You didn't know I was a diva? Now you know! LOL

I earned that beer and I'm not a really a beer drinker


Unknown said...

What city are you in Tiki? I'd love to run with you guys. Give people pause at the "random" in the group. I've ran two races in tutu's! LOL

Unknown said...

I'm in Jacksonville, FL. I'm starting to get out and travel to do some races. I luv my tutu! LOL

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