Eating Disorders & Epiphanies

October 13, 2012

I realized today that I gained weight after my accident last year partly b/c I was trying not to fall back into old eating habits. I struggled with eating disorders for years and I tried to balance that out and went over to the other end. I went from being anorexic in high school to then being anorexic/bulimic as adult to finally to binge eating with bulimia. Realizing that my feeling revolved around eating or not eating was the first step to recovering. That and my parents realized something was wrong & doing something about it. I tell clients to find their trigger and work on that. You won't get to a healthy place weight wise or in general until you handle the underlying issues. Just my PSA for the day. Work on you and the weight will come out. You just know who I am but not my story! #lifeisnotafairytale
Some may wonder why I posted never know what someone else may be struggling with in silence. Plus, this is my diet and fitness FB not my personal. Right now I'm not working with clients so the only work for me to do is on me.

1 comment:

Just Daisy said...


I first want to applaud you on sharing your story. It is so courageous and amazing that you were able to triumph and speak about it today. You are so amazing and I am certain you have left a positive impact on someone out there especially me!


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