Hunger Issues?

May 29, 2012

If you are low carbing and experiencing hunger it could be due to one of a few issues.

1. Not enough fat or protein in your diet. First try upping your fat intake to see if that will help

2. You are close to goal weight and exercising. I've experienced this myself. When I was within 10 lbs and running and working out, I was often ravenous shortly after finished my exercise.

3. You are simply not eating enough. It's low carb not low calorie. Women should be eating b/t 1500-1800 cals per day if they are doing Atkins. Try eating a bit more or including snacks durng the day. 

4. You may be dehydrated. Some people confuse hunger with their body's please for hydration

If you are able to find Keto-stix check to see if you are in ketosis. Most people in ketosis report diminished hunger. Please don't worry b/c the sticks don't work for everyone but they do for most. 

Hope these help!

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