Weight Loss Journal: A Small Emotional Eating Victory

January 10, 2011

I wanted to add a quick note in my weight loss journal. I am proud of myself for today. Let me tell you why...

The girls and I woke up late and by the time both of my daughters got dressed it was too late to go to church. Amazingly, I didn't get upset and I didn't seek comfort in food. That is a huge accomplishment for me. Instead of reaching for something to snack on, I opted for a little extra sleep

When I finally got up for the day, I thought I would be super hungry today but it turns out I did not have an appetite. I realized I wasn't hungry because I took two of my Lipo-6 this morning when I woke up for church and a diuretic.

When I finally got up and moving for the day, it was around 11:30, breakfast time! Unfortunately, I didn't have lunch until 7ish. Yep, 7pm! I had to make myself eat.

As I write this post, I am still pondering dinner. The Atkins book says don't eat if you are not hungry but I know if you don't eat enough you will stall.

ETA: How eating turned out for the day.

My actual menu for today:

B: 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon cooked in butter
L: Turkey Burger with 2 slices of Turkey Bacon
D: 1 small piece of tilapia and another turkey burger with turkey bacon and chipotle cheese

I lost track of how much water I had today but I know it was at least 2L.

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