Cheat Day Gone Wrong!

January 17, 2011

Well, I have a planned cheat approx every two weeks, normally with no problem. This time around I ran into an issue. I was going to make low carb brownies and serve them with no sugar added (NSA) ice cream. Well, I was too tired to make the homemade brownies and opted for the box stuff. I know, I know. Anywho, my one cheat desert turned into a two day cheat desert. I ate the rest of my meals on plan but I had brownies and ice cream on two days instead of one. I woke up Sun feeling bloated and super tired from the extra carbs. I noticed when I do my normal one meal cheat I wake up the next day unaffected by what I had the day before. I think the two day in a row with little water did me in. I feel horrible. I am on plan as of Sun without any legal snacks. 

I think it is important to add a cheat day in when you are trying to lose weight. I know when I was dieting after having my daughters, I my ex-husband and I would have a cheat day every Sat. Yes, he was losing weight with me because he gained sympathy weight. Hehe I'm sure there are plenty of men that know about gaining weight while their wife is pregnant. LOL

Anwyho, my next planned cheat is Feb 4th or 5th. I haven't decided what I want for my cheat. Maybe someone will give me an idea. 

Time to move on...I've been in the Induction phase for more than a month now, as of the 13th. I said I was going to move up to 25 carb per day on the 15th and attempt carb cycling. I have tried to increase my legal carbs but I'm still having trouble eating, even after the cheat. I received Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred the other day and I'm excited about starting that this week. Wish me luck!!!

My low carb menu for today:

B: Cheeseburger Quiche (from last week)
L: Caribbean wings  (wal-mart brand) with ranch dressing
D: Shrimp, mushroom, broccoli alfredo with tofu shirataki noodles and tilapia
S: 3 Asparagus spears and 2 tomato-mozzarella cheese chicken sausage (yum)

I drank some Chiro-Klenz last night and it has been cleaning me out all day. So, I have been downing water and tea today like a mad woman.

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